I love to learn and continue to add on experiences to give me an opportunity to become better than I was. One in particular that I believe gives me a chance to learn and hope to inspire others was the Community Leadership class which was an awesome way to learn more about myself in a professional aspect and how to help support the team, group, or organization by strengthening my leadership skills using the Gallup Clifton Strengths Assessment Test. It gave me a complex yet simple list of my talents or themes emphasizing the top five of my leadership strengths.
The Achiever theme really shows my hard work and dedication to succeed. With the Relator theme, it was about enjoying close relationships with others. Its about me finding deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal which I do like working with people to accomplish things together. I enjoy the teamwork and getting to know who I work with better. The Includer theme with me is about accepting others. To show awareness of those who feel left out and make an effort to include them, so like with my line of work which is working with a range of age groups and a diverse community is something that I've been use to when growing up. The Learner theme for me is about having a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve as the process of learning, rather than the outcome. The Maximizer theme in me, focuses on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence. I seek to transform something strong into something extraordinary.
The Achiever (Execute) in me I like to keep myself active, multitask, and seem to be always doing something, so it made sense since I work multiple jobs or wear many "hats" as people say. When I coach sports, the Relator theme shows as it's not just me helping lead but I have other staff who support me see things I normally don't and we work as a cohesive unit to make sure our teams are prepared. As an Includer, living in the bay area, I was always aware of the various cultures, different traditions, and being open to knowing more about people. I always wanted everyone to feel important and included with everything, so I believe in equality and incorporating others. As a Learner, I love to learn and to continue being better than I was before. I believe in succession, progression, and unlocking potential to grow even more. Understanding and gaining knowledge plus experience is what I think is essential in who I am and what I'm able to do. As a Maximizer, I know what I can confidently bring to the team or organization or project by combining my strengths with with others is an incredible feeling as if we’re creating a Super Team. But knowing our strengths, we need to understand our weaknesses as we can lean and get that support from others within by creating a strong bond/relationship.
It’s interesting to see all of them working together as they strengthen each other in different aspects such as: The Includer theme is having that team mentality by making sure everyone is part of the team which connects the Learner theme by learning about not just about the people but the overall tasks or results. Then Using the Relator theme to try and understand, comprehend, and adapt with people or the organization to connect to the Achiever theme which I can use my strength to push not just myself to be my best but also help the rest of the team by incorporating the Maximizer theme as I will need to utilize everyones strengths with mine to reach our goals. It all connects and each piece makes me whole.
Seeing a combination, reading, and researching why these were what my strengths based leaderships were is pretty accurate as I like to help lead, love teamwork, enjoy learning, and creating growth within individuals of a team or in group a setting.
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